Monday, November 10, 2008

Give Honor to Whom Honor is Due

“Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.” Romans 13:7

Near the door to my office is a small sign. It reads something like this, ‘Remember those who have served before by honoring them with your conduct today.’ That sign reminds me of their sacrifice and how I need a passion for history and honor to properly remind others of their sacrifice.

The men and women of our Armed Forces are honorable people. I see in them the same honor and tenacity that I read in the histories or watch on film. To remember them is honorable and just.

Tomorrow we remember our Veterans. Those who have labored and gave, sweated and cried, bleed and died for their nation and the cause of freedom.
One day of remembering is not enough to honor the sacrifice they’ve given. Living a life of honor and noble character is…

Thank you Veterans for serving!


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