Thursday, November 13, 2008

Helping the Weary

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:9-10

Times are tough and I’m not speaking of the political, economic, or social upheavals that are underway. Times are tough as a Christian. Consider that the world around us is ever spiraling downward into a cesspool of the most foul and base cravings. Cravings that the world must one-up to get the same high, the same fix for their fixated carnality. We live in a world of me… me… but not all see it that way. There are people who dedicate their time, their energy, and their talent… to serve God through serving others… you and me.

There are a few dedicated people who clean, who usher, who fix things, who pay the bills, who work behind the scenes… for our benefit. No, they don’t complain. They often don’t say much at all. Their work though speaks volumes. Yet, after the newness has worn off and the familiarity has grown thin then their service can actually become… wearisome. Why? Well, typically it is the same people over and over and over again who… serve. They are the 10% who carry the other 90… No, again they don’t complain… some just slowly burn flat out.

So, if you ever want to serve the Lord and you don’t know how… just look around and look to one of these quiet and yet extremely dependable good folk and ask them, “what can I do to help”? Or go to your Pastor and ask him, believe me, he’ll probably know…

The point is… we may not all be speakers, teachers, singers, or creative but you know what… we can all clean, we all have abilities that God’s given… I wonder why? So that we all realize that we are in the same boat, fighting the same battles, and that some of us steer, some of us bail like crazy, some of us pray, and some of us row for home. Getting home is the goal but God wants us to look out for each other and work together along the way… what talents do you have that will help the boat… get home?

‘Father, tonight I pray for those who are often forgotten. Those who serve and don’t complain. Those who give. I pray your blessing on them. Bless them with help, with hearts and minds who will come up beside them, learn from them and help carry the burden of serving… the burden of ministry. The fields are white… may your people rise up and gather a harvest in these last days through showing love and care for one another and proclaiming to a darkened world… the Good News of Jesus Christ.’


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