Wednesday, March 25, 2009


“Don't work yourself into the spotlight; don't push your way into the place of prominence. It's better to be promoted to a place of honor than face humiliation by being demoted.” Proverbs 25:6-7

In our push and shove society it is easy to fall into career climbing madness. Yet, what does it get us? An ulcer, a bad name, and a life without relationships. We worry and stress over a promotion that is not really ours in the first place. Is it not God who raises up or tears down? Throughout the pages of God’s history is it not Him who is in control and who determines our place and position? Does not God have a plan and a purpose for us?

God wisely asks us to focus not on a position but on the character needed. That is faithfulness and honesty. Faithful to carry out what is needed done today. Faithful to follow through in areas that don’t feel good and are not easy. Faithful to be there through the everyday grind of good and bad. God likes consistency.

And honesty. Honest enough to tell the truth when the truth puts us in a bad light or someone else. Honest enough to stop lies and deceit and to stand on principle and for righteousness.

God has a way of giving out that promotion when the time is right. In the meantime is there not enough work at present for us to accomplish faithfully and with honor? Maybe we are in the position granted us for the work of God? Maybe we are there to speak to someone, to share, to care, and to encourage?

Being thankful and learning contentment is key!


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