Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I can do all things through Christ

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phillipians 4:13)

Too many times, in some religious circles, this scripture is used as a sort of mantra either for self-promotion or to rebuild one’s self esteem.

Yet, Paul seems to indicate something all together different in his writing. For in the verses prior to this Paul is explaing how he is learning contentment. That regardless of the circumstances he’s learned contentment through Christ Jesus.

It did not matter so much to Paul if he were poor or rich, suffering a need, or blessed with abundance because his anxiety was abated… through Christ. As he explained in verses six and seven of how living in prayer and thanksgiving can so comfort the heart and fill the mind with peace… that regardless of the circumstances…peace of mind and heart are ever present…

The same principles hold true today… each of us can have the peace of Christ ruling in our hearts and minds… even in the midst of the greatest tormoil.

It all depends on our focus. Will we focus on what is wrong in our life, what is missing, what we need, or will we be thankful for that which we have—that which God’s so blessed us with?

For if our hearts and minds are at peace is not this… at our very core… what we truly desire? Does not our hearts cry out for contenment… simple contenment and peace?

This contentment and peace is ours in Christ Jesus. Even in the midst of unrest our hearts can and will find peace in Jesus Christ. For in Him we can do all things! We can be content and at peace regardless of our present circumstances, our present need, our present want… if Christ is the greatest want in our lives.