Monday, November 29, 2010


“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” Romans 10:17

Do you hear? Has God’s Word illuminated your heart and mind to hear? For, if not, what do you hear?

It is the Word of God, the thoughts of God in print—His ink on a page that gives us what is unseen, faith. And yet faith is seen clearly-by works of righteousness such as kindness, mercy, forgiveness, gentleness, self-sacrifice, charity, and faithfulness. By Words God changes the heart and once the heart is changed so we change our surroundings. We cannot help but influence others towards righteousness-not self-righteousness-but right_doing-the two are a world apart.

Do you need more faith? Well, you need more hearing from God! He speaks, you know… your day is filled with his utterances-but do you hear? He speaks with all he’s provided: your health, your clothing, that ride to work, the work itself, the giving of others, the sharing, the smile, the sunset.

Listen, do you hear? God’s whispering your name, call you to turn from yourself to him. It’s not hard you know-just a few steps, a swivel from wrong to right, from selfishness to righteous, from to self to him. If you do that-if you by faith believe in him then his Word will come. Or if Christ is too abstract then can you believe his word? For, if you can then faith will come and through faith you will know Christ and know that you are his and he is your and you will with your heart see the Lamb that was slain, the Son of God sitting on his throne, listening to you.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid

Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, "I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU," so that we confidently say, "THE LORD IS MY HELPER, I WILL NOT BE AFRAID. WHAT WILL MAN DO TO ME?" (Hebrews 13:5-6)

The way that we walk and talk in this life speaks volumes. For everyday and in the byways of work or shopping or recreation—people who are hurting desperately are watching our lives. You may be the only Jesus some folks will ever see (2 Cor. 5:15).

To some we are a breath of fresh air as we encourage, as we give, and as we take the time to listen and to care (Heb. 12:12).

To some we are a mystery. We are fools for Christ (1 Cor. 4:10). Awards mean nothing to us—self adulation does not become us for we seek, (in their minds a hard road of life), when actually we seek after Christ, that He might be our all in all (1 Cor. 10:24). We stand aside and applaud when others are promoted or praised for we seek a future promotion and the words of the Lamb (Matt. 25:23).

And to others we are their enemies. We are in their minds, the greatest of hypocrites, the ‘do gooders’, fake, spineless and mindless followers who say one thing… and then live another way. On one account, what they say is truth for there are those who bear the name of Christ with dishonor (Jude :4) They pervert the cause of Christ through this living-lies, their deceit, and their darkened and hardened hearts (Jude :11-13; Titus 1:12, 16).

Their fruit is sweet and all so rotten (Matt. 7:16)! They claim to await the Lord’s coming and this they do-not moving, not doing, and not hearing the cry of the week, the needy, the discouraged—the captives, the broken of this world. They wait and sit and appear righteous but their hearts are hardened and prepared for everlasting dishonor (Amos 6:12; Matt. 7:19; Matt. 16:3; Matt. 23:13; 2 Pet. 3:4; Psa. 37:14; Rom. 16:18).

Yet, not you who fear the Lord; who love His Word and who follow righteousness. If you are spotted by sin, repent, and the Father of forgiveness will clean, will restore, and will strengthen through boundless mercy and grace of favor (Jude :23). If weak, know this, the God of all creation is calling you, urging you to His Word, to fellowship, to talks with him (Psa. 6:2; Psa. 102:23). Jesus knows the way of despair! He understands the broken heart! He knows the doubts, the fears, the silent tear, the grieving soul, and the lonely heart. Know this also that the grave could not hold him and that His victory is ours—the battle is won and you are the beloved of the Lord.

In the comfort that Christ has extended to you – do likewise. Seek and find the depressed and listen, care, cry and pray for them. Be a friend to the unfriendly – influence others by simply being yourself. Don’t hind your faults but unmask the humanity that is yours while giving and showing Christ’s glory in the what and when and why He is working in your life, for He is! Christ is not finished with you yet (Isa. 53:3-4; Psa. 18:4-5; Psa. 116:3; Heb. 2:4; Heb. 5:7).

Christ has not forsaken you. Hit the delete button and kill such a thought (Phil.4:8). Can your failure prevent the glory of Christ? (Rom. 8:38) It is not your righteousness that is important, you have no righteousness, none, zip (Isa. 64:6). You are counted as righteous through Christ’s sacrifice that deemed you so (Rom. 4:5; Rom. 9:8). His glory is imputed towards you – go and shine his glory and do good works that others may see Christ and glorify Him, in you!(Matt. 5:16)

Be not afraid of the words, the silent insults, the disapproving stares. Smile and thank Christ, your Captain, that his light in you has created such attention and with such attention do good and not evil. Pray and seek and follow that loving spirit of grace… (1 Pet. 3:14).

Hold your tongue and bite it hard if need be (James 1:19,26). Put away dirty talking, criticize not, bless and curse not. Let the words from your mouth be kindness, filled with mercy, and healing. If these cannot be found then it is best and wise to be silent. A resting oar splashes not yourself or others… “Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matt. 10:16; Psa. 15:3; Psa. 34:13; Psa. 37:30; Prov. 15:4; Prov. 21:23).

In boldness proclaim the glory of Christ through what you do… no one should work as hard or as diligent as you (Rom. 12:11; Eph 6:6). Christ gave us employment—demonstrate Christ by serving faithfully, cheerfully, honorably. Honor those who are over you and pray for them. Live quietly, humbly, and ever tearful towards the captives of this world while ever rejoicing for the abounding joy in Christ—who is your strength! (Psa. 18:2)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

No other name under heaven

“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

There’s a lot of names out there to worship. There’s Buddha, Allah, the gods of Hindu, the gods of Sikhism, ect, and so on. There’s movie stars, sports hero’s, and then there’s that name that looks back at you and me in the mirror.

Yet the Bible is exclusive and it points from Genesis to Revelation to one name, Jesus Christ. It’s a name that I don’t hear too often unless its tied to some curse word and even then the air is filled with a hint of conviction – a hint by the user that they really crossed the line, for they have.

We’ve all crossed the line at some point in our lives. Maybe not a curse word with the name of Jesus included but we are all sinners of some sort. Some sinners are called saints in the Bible by the simple and lifelong belief in one name, Jesus Christ. It’s not any goodness or favoritism, or special trait that makes a saint either. A person can be called a saint and not go to heaven.

Just as we can call our favorite movie or actor or athlete the best ever – saying that it is so doesn’t make it so. The only person who makes saints in Jesus.

Personally, I don’t use the saint name very often-I go by believer. The name saint to some is someone to be worshipped or prayed to. That simply is not Biblical. To others, a saint is a goodie-too-shoes and I’m certainly not that. No, I’m a believer and I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Lord of all creation, the mighty God, and the King of all Kings.

It is Jesus who raises me up when I’m depressed, lonely, broken, and crushed. It is Christ who brings me down a notch when I’m arrogant, prideful, boastful or simply too full of myself.

I believe in the name of Jesus because I believe in the character behind the name. I believe in a Savior who is good, kind, merciful, full of peace, and gentleness. I believe in a Savior who rebukes, who chastens, who scolds, and who holds the ultimate in excellence before me in himself and challenges me to grow and become more like him, more like his character, and less of my own.

Friday, November 05, 2010

The Cross

"He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not also freely give us all things? Romas 8:32

How long has it been since you looked at the cross - thought about it, really reflected on God giving up His Son to the cross - for us, for you? Consider that thought in your busy and hectic day. Consider the sacrifice to save you from your sins and to justify you before Almighty God.

The reality is you are considered righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ, if, you believe in Him. This 'believing in Him' is not a one time deal but an everyday yearning, longing, hoping, trusting, and transforming Way. If you are 'in the Way' - in Christ - then ask what you will and His promises state He will grant it.

For, if you are 'in the Way' then your will is not your own, your thoughts are not your own and your heart is in tune with your Heavenly Father. When our hearts mirror that of Christ will He not give us all things freely?

Would you give a spoiled-rotten child anything or everything that child asks for? I hope not!

And so, it's not what we ask but the heart behind the asking. It is the transformation of your heart that is the basis for the Cross.

'Heavenly Father, its too often that I need reminding of the Cross of Christ, the grace of His great covenent with me and to know that you care so greatly. Thank you for loving me and for giving of yourself so freely to set me free in you!'