Tuesday, October 30, 2007

God is Truth

“I have not spoken in secret, from somewhere in a land of darkness; I have not said to Jacob's descendants, 'Seek me in vain.' I, the LORD, speak the truth; I declare what is right.” Isaiah 45:19

Tonight, our little Bible study group embarked on our first lesson of ‘The Truth Project.’ Tonight, I was hit with the reality of God as Truth and the opposite of that, a lie. Political correctness does not indulge us to take sides… yet, in reality there are only two sides. The ‘way of truth’ or the corruption of truth, a lie. I’ve learned that everyday I slide between the two. For me, this is a revelation brought home by the light of God’s Word. With such knowledge I am on one side humbled into thankfulness and on the other mortified into horror at my own sinfulness.

A part of me shrinks at the brightness of God’s holiness. A part of me wants to run into my Heavenly Father’s loving arms. My heart needs so much more…, faith.

Maybe today you feel much the same way. You sense that inside you there’s a battle going on. On one hand Christ’s love is pulling you closer and on the other the world, your carnal flesh, and Satan is wanting to pull you into further darkness. Yet, God’s Spirit of Truth dwells within us and we know that He will lead us into the truth. We know this by faith.

By faith we know that God is on our side. True, we make mistakes, we fail at times, we make a boo-boo of just about everything on some days. Yet, we hear God’s Spirit whisper, ‘don’t quit’, ‘don’t fear’, and ‘trust in me’. Sometimes we stumble, like a child, sometimes we scrap someone else’s knee, like a child, and sometimes we need the comfort of a parent because… just because.

Our Heavenly Father gladly has shown us His Truth. It appears before us each and every day. In the clouds above, the flowers, and the birds of the air. Each day God takes care of these… He certainly will take care of your needs… today!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Rock of our Salvation

“Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: “Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem, a firm and tested stone. It is a precious cornerstone that is safe to build on. Whoever believes need never be shaken.” Isaiah 28:16

Many things can shake our faith. The winds of trial and test can rock our boat and make us sea sick. But if our hearts are truly built on the Rock of our Salvation then the winds may come, the rain may blow, but we will be able to stand against that storm. Our foundation will be sure, built upon the Rock of our Salvation.

Job stood tall with all that he went through. He spent many a day and night on his knees, on his side, scraping boils in an ash pile but his faith took the best blows of friend and foe. Job lost everything but not his faith and trust in the Lord.

Horatio Spafford faith was shaken but it stood through cruel trial. His son died suddenly in 1871. The Chicago Fire ruined his finances. He put his wife and four daughters on a ship to sail to Europe. The ship sank and he lost his four daughters. Horatio boarded a ship to meet with his wife and during his voyage, near to where his daughters drowned, he penned the words of a later hymn, “It is Well with My Soul.”
See: http://chi.gospelcom.net/GLIMPSEF/Glimpses/glmps064.shtml

Today and everyday crisis and calamity overtakes the captives of this world and Christians alike. Christians are blessed because they have a sureness of comfort, care, love, and hope in Jesus Christ. The wind and rain only make our faith stronger and our resolve more determined. We get blown around some but our faith stands.

The captives of this world have no such foundation. When they weep we comfort them, we care, we help, for we may be the only comfort they come to know.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Perfect Peace

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3

Have you ever looked for peace? Peace to calm your troubled heart. A perfect peace that goes beyond understanding.

You will never find peace in this world or the things of this world. That is why many are consumed with entertainment. That’s why drugs and alcohol are so important to them. For many, drugs and alcohol provides a momentary relief, a temporary escape from their mistakes and failures… from all that is troubling in their lives. They take substances, they self-medicate all to find the perfect peace that continues to escape them. They are like you and I in many aspects.

We may not carry a bottle or smoke a substance but don’t we turn to something else instead of faith and trust in God? Maybe it is our position that we rely on, that we trust in. Maybe it’s our friends and family who only say good things to us and who give us comfort. Maybe it’s our money that we consider ‘ours’ and that we spend on substances that fill our homes to over-flowing. Maybe in these we comfort ourselves and that gives us a twinge of peace.

Yet, there is a peace in God that goes beyond the substances of this world. A peace that brings comfort, clarity, and calmness. A peace that is available even when mistakes occur or failures or tragedy or heart break. A peace not of this world, that never fades, that conquers fear and hate. Peace that looks to give, to help, to heal, and to comfort others.

People of this world need the peace of God in their lives. We need to share and give testimony of what God is doing in our lives. To spread the word of the great peace and comfort that comes from knowing, loving, and trusting in the giver of peace; the Prince of Peace.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Child's Faith

But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” Matthew 19:14

I went to the mall today. By myself. Usually I go to the mall with my wife or daughter but not this time. Of course I parked at the wrong entrance, the farthest possible from the proper entrance and so I walked the full length of our small mall. According to Brother-in-law Bruce… I do this often… his nickname for me, ‘wrong-way Mike’…

Anyway, as I was walking through the mall I looked at the faces of those around me. Some faces were very young and some, mature. Some were pretty, I suppose, and others not so much yet my focus was on the pain I saw there, the worry, the stress, and what seemingly came across as a gnawing fear. I looked at the eyes and they all seemed tired and weary and bored.

My heart went out to all these seemingly sad people. My heart prayed for them. And I wondered how I probably looked to them, if they noticed, which they did not… for I had the same sad look as they had, I suppose.

As I rounded a corner I came across the ‘children’s play area.’ Here the faces were healthy, smiling, and glowing. Their eyes seemed to dance with excitement as they played with one another, played on the slide, carefree of the world around them; content with enjoying the moment.

Maybe you are like me. You get caught up in your own little world. Maybe you get caught up in solving a problem or avoiding a problem or sometimes not caring very much. Not caring because the stressful weight of living in this world is hard… a world very, very cold. A foreign world.

A place were joy is swallowed up with grief, with sin. Sometimes I forget and seemingly we Christians forget the joy that we can have, even in a sinful world. Christ told us to be like children. To have the faith of a child. A faith that is relative simple. It doesn’t have all the complexities that we’ve added to faith, to salvation. A child’s faith just believes. Someone once said that there is a kind of genius to simplicity. Someone else said to ‘keep it simply stupid’. I need to remember that and live by that.

As I walked to my car I thought of those things and the simplicity of salvation in Jesus Christ. To be a person who has a thankful heart for all that He’s done and all that He will do. And to be a person who simply believes in what He said, to look towards Him and regain the joy and faith of a little child.

Friday, October 26, 2007

My Strength and my Song

In that day you will sing: “I will praise you, O Lord! You were angry with me, but not any more. Now you comfort me. See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The Lord God is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.” Isaiah 12:1-2

Ever feel as if the Lord is angry with you, but he’s not. His love and comfort is forever. You are His child and will forever be His child.

He may not always be pleased with you because he wants the best for you. He has a plan and a purpose for your life.

Sometimes we cut God short by our own plans and our own desires. Yet, God is patient, he is persistent, he will not give up on His plans for us. So, God works around our plans for our betterment and also God saves us from some of the mistakes that we make, but not all.

God wants us to learn to trust Him, to depend fully on Him, and to have faith in Him. Trust must be tested, dependency must be learned, and through them our faith in God grows.

Our fears are only a symptom of our lack of trust and dependency; the same can be said of our lack of victory. All demonstrate to our own listening hearts a lack of faith in God.

Yet, not always will we be lacking in faith. Not always will we struggle without victory for our God is on the throne and He cares so much, loves so much, that He will teach us to trust, to depend, and to place our faith in Him. In Him alone.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Heart of Christ

“And He will delight in the fear of the LORD, and He will not judge by what His eyes see, nor make a decision by what His ears hear…” Isaiah 11:3

This prophecy of our Lord depicts the character of his heart. A heart that totally loved God and with that love cared for those who around him and who came to him for help. Christ looked at others through the lens of his heart; he saw the needs of others.

The religious leaders of that day judged others by what they saw and what they heard. Their delight was in their position and in what the people could do for them.

I wonder… as I search my own heart and my own actions… do I judge as the religious leaders of old? When someone is cranky, angry, and resentful do I see their hurt? Or, do I write them off?

Can I see beyond the antiseptic make-up of this world and see the heart? Am I so caught up in learning that I’ve stopped doing?

Tough questions, but the Gospel is tough on religious folks. For religion will not change a person’s heart, it will only change the outside. And it is the outside that is most important to those who are religious.

Yet, don’t we look for more? Even if that more comes without a place of honor but most often comes with dishonor? For seeing with the heart will not lead to honor or praise. Seeing and hearing from the heart has a price and it’s not fame and it’s not fortune; it gives.

Christ’s heart gives and takes abuse, shares and offers more, believes with a heart of faith, trusts in the ever awareness of God.

Compare His heart to yours. Are you lacking? And can we change… and do we want to?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Growing up...

Growing up I thought of God as mean, ruthless, and unforgiving. I remember in my youth trying to read the book of Matthew and when I came across chapter five I thought to myself, “this is impossible to follow.” With my un-generated, youthful mind I could not understand why Jesus would preach a sermon that I knew that I could not follow.

Then there was the problem that I had with hell. My mom had spoken of it often but she failed to relate to me that its not a place for believers but for non-believers in Jesus Christ. I was just told that ‘very bad people go there.’ Well, in my heart of hearts I knew that I was pretty bad myself.

In the course of dealing with High School such contemplations are easily glossed over. Yet, the Lord’s mercy touched my heart at the age of seventeen and I received Christ as Lord and Savior.

After a school transfer I found myself in the ‘out’ crowd. For now I was the butt of many jokes, reticule, and pranks. I somehow forgive the insults, understood their lack of knowledge, and completed my studies… none the worse.

Many times in this walk we will feel as if we are in the ‘out’ crowd. Our Christian world view does not agree with the world’s. Our desires, hopes, and dreams are different because of the Lord’s work in our hearts.

We don’t fret so about the upcoming Presidential election. We have faith that God will place in that position whom he desires; for His ultimate plan. We don’t get ‘bent out of shape’ when another leader fails or falls or laws are perverted because we understand that this world is ever slowly coming unhinged.

And yet, with each passing day we are a day closer to the one who loves us, cares for us, and is as anxious as we are to be together, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Who I’ve found to be merciful, kind, gentle, understanding, and compassionate without end.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. Isaiah 9:6-7

After our little home group finished a study on the book of Daniel I thought it good to continue to study the prophets. So with that in mind I progressed into the book of Isaiah.

In these devotional writings I wanted to pick out a scripture here and there in Isaiah to acquaint some back to Isaiah because of the prophecies given and through them to be encouraged in the Lord. My prayer is that you will find this book as encouraging and thought provoking as I have!

Think of it. Some seven hundred years prior to the birth of Christ, Isaiah prophesied of his birth, his life, his suffering and still further of His ultimate Kingship on this earth.

Think of it. One of Christ’s name is Wonderful. Is not the Lord wonderful to you? Consider all that He’s done for you. Each and every day his mercies are new… just for you.

His name is Counselor because He gives the best counsel. If and when you need someone to talk to, if you have a decision to make, consider His counsel.

Christ’s name is Mighty God. Christ is above all, over all, and Lord of all. He’s your Lord, Savor, and God. Yet, you know Him personally and He knows you personally.

Christ is our Everlasting Father. A Father who provides for you and who protects you every day. Nothing can come against you unless first it goes through our Heavenly Father. What a great comfort, and what great peace this thought gives. Our Father causes everything in our life to have purpose.

And finally, Christ is our Prince of Peace. Nothing on this earth will give us true peace except our relationship with our Prince. When our world is a mess or in turmoil or just the run-of-the-mill grind of life we have peace because we know the Prince of Peace and our hope is in Him.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Our Rock

Matthew 7:25 "And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock" (1 Corinthians 10:4).

This afternoon as I looked out my office window our little tree bends in the wind. It’s limbs twist and turn and bounce back as Wyoming gusts flex and wallop it again and again. The once green leaves are turning yellow now and those are becoming fewer with each passing day…

Sometimes, the older we are the more the wind blows in our lives. That’s because of all the storms that we’ve faced before, all the trials and tempest we’ve bounced back from. Our ‘leaves’ may not be green or black but now they’ve turned gray, those few that are left.

Sometimes like a house we get beat on pretty good. Wind and rain, snow and sleet, hard times, and cold times we go through them all, we bend and endure.

Floods come and wash away our dreams and our hopes. Rain drenches our happiness away and then the winds of worry come, yet we bend… we change… but something about us does not break (Psalm 62:6).

It’s not the trunk or the limb or our pretty leaves that gives us staying power. It’s not the framework of our house or the siding or the fragile shingles. It’s our foundation that makes us strong.

That foundation is solid, is truth, and is strong. Our foundation is our Lord, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11). The more that we look to Him, rely on Him, and trust in Him the stronger we are. For our strength comes from Him (Psalm 94:22).

The more into His Word we become and the more we do what His Word says, the more wise in Him we become (Matthew 7:24). The stronger we become…(Ephesians 6:10), the more like Him we become (1 John 3:2).

In life the wind and rain and floods will come but we can rest assured, we can have full confidence, and we can have abiding joy in our knowledge, our eternal hope, in the Rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Who Will Go?

“ Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.” Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “ Behold, this has touched your lips; your iniquity is taken away, and your sin purged.” Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “ Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” Isaiah 6:5-8

Remember when you meet the Lord? Maybe it was in a church service or maybe it was alone, remember? It was a time of the greatest trial of the heart and soul.

For unknown reasons there was a fear to step forward or to bow the knee or to pray. Inside of you there was a war going on, the greatest of resistance, yet also the deepest of longing. You knew deep inside that you were a sinner and apart of yourself liked that but there was a strange stir taking place also that called you to pray, to repent, and to accept Christ as your Savior.

In a moment, your shame ceased, your fear quieted, and your sins were forgiven.

Now the years have passed and not everything has gone perfect. At times you’ve failed the grace of God, at times God’s helped you gain a victory. That which you once enjoyed you now consider awful and you stand, as best you can, for the righteousness of God. God’s changed your heart.

At the same time you’ve read His Word, you’ve gained understanding and you’ve served as best as you could. Yet, you feel, you understand … somehow… that Christ wants you to do more. You have a sense that Christ is whispering… “who will go?”

You have a heart for the lost, for the neglected, for the suffering, and for the oppressed but how to help or what to say does not readily come your way. You pray, you knock, but have you replied, “Here am I! Send me?”

Christ called you for a reason. He has work for you to do. He called you not to warm a pew but to help others, to minister to others, and to proclaim His Good News. His call may lead you to your neighbors, to your school, to your co-workers, or to a nation of people… far, far way from where you presently reside.

His call has gone forth. Will you answer?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Seperating Good from Evil

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” Isaiah 5:20-21

In our day there are many who no longer preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. They no longer call evil by its name but gloss it over with pleasantries and with political correctness. Identifying sin does not fill the pews or the coffers. Having a huge number and a great amount of cash seems to be the answer for a lot of ‘Christianity’ today but its not the message of the original gospel.

Originally, the message stated a change of life, a change of heart. Fasting and repentance, giving and the study of God’s Word, the turning from pride to humility. All these pointed to the righteousness of God compared to the evilness of human nature. Prevalent in today’s thought is just the opposite.

Today’s humanism preaches mankind’s goodness and pose doubt on God. This same message has crept into the pews and pulpits of today’s churches. Many are the ‘self-help’ books that supposedly guide us to ‘self-fulfillment’ or ‘self-achievement’ yet Christ said in the book of John, “I can of my own self no nothing”, is this not the case for the rest of us?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Branch of the Lord

“In that day the Branch of the LORD shall be beautiful and glorious; and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and appealing for those of Israel who have escaped.” Isaiah 4:2

This “Branch of the Lord” is Jesus Christ: Isaiah 11:1; Jeremiah 23:5; Jeremiah 33:15; Zechariah 3:8; Zechariah 6:12.

The prophet Isaiah penned this some 750 years before the birth of the Lord! This prophecy was written to encourage the Jewish people as well as the church today.

History has a way of repeating itself, then and now.

When Christ came the Jewish people were experiencing the lowest of times. Just a hundred or so years before, their temple was desecrated, their priests killed, and many of their cities laid waste. Following this the Egyptians fought against the Syrians (the Ptolemaic-Seleucian wars) in their land and then the Romans came.

The Romans iron rule and priesthood politics left the common people’s heart rank with fear, poverty, and depression.

Following this time of cold and bleak winter sprang up a beautiful and glorious Branch of the Lord. The hearts of people were warmed as… “The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings…” Malachi 4:2God has a way of taking the worst of our situations and demonstrating his power and glory, his majesty and his grace and mercy. When all seems lost and dark and cold God produces life, life in us. Our hurt and pain, failure and shame, removes any doubt of our own dependency. Our dependency is on our Lord, Jesus Christ.

For untold numbers of Christian people living today, this is the case. Many of our brothers and sisters in Christ live under strict rule, harsh imprisonment, and monstrous governments. We in America are the exception, not the rule.

Yet, wonderfully, these oppressed people are coming to know the Lord in ones and twos and thousands. Around the world God is reaping a great harvest and in their lives great fruit.

God is reaping a great fruit from our lives as well. We may live in America, we may have great comforts, and enjoy many of the pastimes of our nation but on the same note there are simply some lines we won’t cross. There are some attractions that we by-pass simply because we see through the phoniness, the sham, and the wickedness. Our hearts are continually changing, our motives, and the fruit in our lives ever maturing… all to bring glory and honor to the Branch of the Lord!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A time for change

“Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the LORD’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths.” For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, And rebuke many people; They shall beat their swords into plowshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore.” Isaiah 2:2-4

This wonderful prophecy of Isaiah is after the rapture of the church and after the Great Tribulation period and speaks to His people, Israel.

What it says to us is that change is coming. Change is never an easy event. Change disrupts, causes confusion, and in this passage moves the religious and government centers to Jerusalem. This is a time when Christ reigns personally on the earth, a time of no war, and a time of peace.

Peace can only come through Jesus Christ. Peace in our hearts… peace in our lives. The more that we put our trust in the truth of Christ the more peace we will have. That is why daily reading from God’s Word is important. What better information to take into your mind and your heart?

It’s a matter of choice. Will we choose to walk in the truth of Christ or the lies of this world. What will we believe?

We often lie to ourselves, don’t we? Along the way we bought into lies that muffles over the gentle spirit’s call for us to walk in peace, in righteousness. Like a frog slowly baking in a pan sometimes we slowly let sin back into our lives. We need a change.

We need Christ to reign in our hearts. Christ must be the center of our lives and not ourselves and not the world’s influence. And boy do they influence and boy don’t they spread lies. Sometimes it is hard to know the truth from the lie, that is why we need the Word planted in our hearts so that we can discern good from evil and the truth from a lie.

Today, you can make a difference but we must first learn to do and live righteously. For righteous living is what our coming King loves, desires, and must demand in our lives. He wants us to change so that we can share in his peace, his love, and his righteousness.

This comes through faith and trust in Christ but it also comes from our desire to change, a willing heart. A willingness to put forth an effort, to do some work… to work on self. For Christ knows and so many will testify that our greatest joy in this life comes when we help others. Joy does not come in material things, they only get in the way, they only gather dust, they only cause worry and you know what… they will all pass away.

But people, now that is where the joy is. True, working with people can be a real pain but it really is worth it. It’s worth staying up all night with someone who had a lost. It’s worth a smile, a thank you, and the slow transformation that takes place in someone else’s heart and life because… you cared, you shared, and your encouraged.

So change and get involved in someone else’s life. You will experience the greatest sorrow, the greatest hurt, the greatest betrayal, and the greatest joy, comfort, and knowledge of having shared heart to heart and life to life!

Monday, October 08, 2007

They shall be white as snow

“Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD, Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land; But if you refuse and rebel, You shall be devoured by the sword; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” Isaiah 1:18

As we continue in the book of Isaiah we learn of God’s great forgiveness, his mercy. God’s love compels him to forgive and to show mercy. It is not his desire to ‘devour’ but righteousness in us is his greatest desire.

To have God’s forgiveness we must repent. Repent means to turn from our sin. To go away or turn-around from our sin and turn to God.

In our daily lives we all sin. We all fail to miss the mark or the bulls-eye that God intended. Our sin grieves the very heart of God and it should grieve ours. Sometimes though our hearts become so hardened by sin that we fail to notice, we fail to repent.

God, in his love will not allow us to continue in our sin. He will get our attention. Like a good Father he may put us in the corner for a ‘time-out’ or worse. For whom the Lord loves he corrects (Job 5:17), (Proverbs 3:12).

“Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” (Hebrew 12:11)

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Righteousness and the Needy

Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from before my eyes. Cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, rebuke the oppressor; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow. (Isaiah 1:16)

Who does this anymore? Who calls for such righteousness and such repentance? Where is the cry for righteousness, is it with our nation’s leaders? What preacher will cry-out, repent? Who will decry wickedness? All is politically incorrect in our day. All such speech offends the frail sensibility of some—they might actually need to exercise a conscience.

Having a conscience in our day and age is a rare thing. Giving money back that was found or that was over paid or paying taxes without complaint is looked on as odd or weird. Wholesomeness is viewed as being strange and giving thought to others as being foolhardy. The world we live in is seemingly up-side-down, it’s all gone crazy.

Who suffers?

The lost.
The poor.
The needy.
The fatherless are left unwanted.
The widows.

Isaiah the prophet preached against the ills of his day to the children of Israel. The same holds true today for the church and the world of our day. God knows all that goes on, he has a heart for those in need. Scripture states that he views the good and the evil (Proverbs 15:3) and that he cares about those who are needy (Deuteronomy 24:14), (Psalm 12:5).

The question is do we have His heart? Can we look beyond ourselves and see the great need around us? Once we see the need and suffering of others… how will we respond?

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Testing & Gold

“Look, I go forward, but He is not there, and backward, but I cannot perceive Him; When He works on the left hand, I cannot behold Him; when He turns to the right hand, I cannot see Him. But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.” Job 23:8-10
Ever feel this way about God? You pray but it seems that God’s not listening. You cry but the heavens seem silent. Your spirit groans. Your heart is sick.
You turn this way or that way seeking guidance or even a shimmer of comfort from a brother, a friend, from anyone.
You feel coldness. Feelings lie. Others don’t understand you. They simply do not comprehend the fire that you are going through. They want to understand but can’t.
This is between you and God. He has you in a valley and there is no way out. The footpath upwards is slippery and your attempts have left you bruised, bleeding, and bewildered.
“What sin have I performed, you cry out?” “What must I do to gain favor with you Lord?” The answer is deafening in its silence.
Know this. God loves you so much that He allows suffering. He looks at your heart when suffering occurs. He is more interested in what is taking place in your heart than in your present happiness. For happiness can come and go… its fluff… compared to having His Son’s character built into your life.
Character will get you through the fire, through the valley, and present you as gold. Gold tried in the fire. The dross may rise to the surface but deep inside you, deep where God is searching He sees gold… Godly character.
To have the mind of Christ, to follow His example, to be more than you could ever dream is the creation that God is molding you, shaping you, purifying you… like precious gold.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Enduring Hope

“So man lies down and does not rise. Till the heavens are no more, they will not awake nor be roused from their sleep. Oh, that You would hide me in the grave, that You would conceal me until Your wrath is past, that You would appoint me a set time, and remember me! If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait, till my change comes. You shall call, and I will answer You; you shall desire the work of Your hands.” (Job 14:12-15)

What a passage of scripture and thought! What questions and answers are given by Job! Questions that have troubled countless generations, numerous souls. Job’s question is one that mankind has asked and some continue to ask. In essence… is there hope when I die?

Job answers his own musings with a statement of faith; an outpouring of hope even in the midst of going through so very, very much.

Job continues with: “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth; and after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!” (Job 19:25-27)

Today, do you know that your Redeemer lives? He hears your prayers and answers them! His care and concern for you is deeper than mere words! His love understands all that you are going through and will go through!

At some time, you will see Him! You will live again!

Right now life is tough. Things may not be going your way but don’t quit… don’t give up on God.

As Xanda our daughter stated just the other day… “all of this that I see and hear and that I’m going through is only temporary.” “One day I will be with Christ… for eternity.”

What an attitude, what an outlook, and what a hope that she has as well as each of us. A hope found in Jesus Christ that is not dependent on what we go through, or what we see, or what we hear but what we know in our hearts. The same heart as Job, one of enduring hope!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Showing Kindness

“To him who is afflicted, kindness should be shown by his friend, even though he forsakes the fear of the Almighty.” Job 6:14 (Job)

Ever go through something alone and have no one to come along and comfort you? It’s like a sour lemon or a gloomy-rainy day, it stinks. Having someone to bring a little comfort, a little encouragement is like a milk-shake… it goes down so smooth! So is the kindness of a friend.

God’s blessed me with friends and family that have and are showing me the dearest kindness and sweetest encouragement. To you and them my heart is so very grateful, so very thankful! Too often I reside within my own thoughts and dwell on what’s not working to just stop for a moment and smell the roses and give thanks.

And what a rose-garden God’s provided! Good folks like you that write or call and cheer me up! Friends that I’ve not seen in a coon-age and a half who let me know that they are thinking or praying and still caring for ole’ Mike.

It is out of your care and concern that this little ministry continues. For I did not learn to write or encourage or do much of anything without you… my teachers.

I think Job had many teachers. Even his ‘friends’ who so belittled him day and night taught him. So are the ways of a wise man, a man like Job. Yet, how he endured and though kept his integrity intact I’m somewhat puzzled over. For knowing me like I know me I’m not sure that my response what have been as honorable as that of Job.

That is why we read Job, David, the Prophets, the Apostles, and most importantly the Lord’s words to prayfully capture within our hearts… character… character that is kind.

Do you know someone who is suffering today? Be kind and give them a phone call or better… go visit. It will bless their day and also make you a better person for the giving!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Friends & Family

Why does your heart carry you away, and what do your eyes wink at, that you turn your spirit against God, and let such words go out of your mouth? Job 15:12-13 (Eliphaz)

Who can know the heart of another? Yet, some assume to have such knowledge. Some believe with the seeing of the eye that they can judge the inner working of another’s heart. Some think, “they must have sinned.” “They must not be following the Lord, or His Word.” “Therefore, I will keep my distance, I don’t want to be known as their associate.”

You don’t believe me, well I’ve experience it and so have many of you. And yea it hurts. It smites like the cruelest whipping, leaving scars across the heart, burned in a battered mind that is already anguished. Such betrayal seems to happen when we need a friend most, when life is throwing us curve balls when we’ll all set for a slider. We strike out again, we fail, or we miss the mark of God and sin. To make matters worse our sin is known, it is open. It’s a word spoken harshly or in anger or some other silly and dumb transgression.

So we’ll low. We’re embarrassed and our poor, poor pride is pouting. Our bottom lip is dragging ground and we wonder, ‘where is our comforter’?

Thank God for family! When acquaintances disappear. When close ties come unknotted. When buddies become bud-less its then that we often turn to those who are there all along. Our wife, our husband, our daughter, our son, or parents. And you know what…?

They don’t care… they don’t care that we’ve messed up a master-piece. For they know us for who we truly are… a clueless-Christian, a Father who’s faulty, a husband who’s often helpless until the wife, the daughter, or son comes along and listens and nudges us back to the basics.

Back to prayer, back to the Bible, back to being who we are instead of what we think we should be or the pretensions of others. Family grounds us, settles us, and restores us! Our families love us and take care of us even when we’ll grumpy, even when we’re a mess, and even when we don’t want help. They push aside and past our temporary stupidity and calm, care, and comfort.

So, at times some forsake and some draw closer. Some shrink back and some strive to come closer. Grab hold of those who care! Draw them close, cherish their friendship and build in them and with them lasting relationships that last and that bring comfort one to another.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Wind Blows

Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him. Job 13:15

On some days the wind blows and we like a small tree bend at its force. We can’t control the winds that come into our lives, all we can do is react. Our hope must go beyond the force of the wind but to Him who controls the winds and waves that crash against our fragile lives.

Like Job, what other course can we have but trust in God? We can manage some irritants that come into our lives but what of those trials and tests that go beyond our strength? What of those things that we once trusted in but now they fail us, like health, income, or friends?

Some times the winds strips away that which we trust in. In a moment, a day, a few weeks that which once we placed our trust in is… gone. Are we happy, glad, joyful… no. We naturally are hurt, tearful, and depressed. And in brokenness of heart we may see the sheer awesomeness of our loving God.

For once the ‘elements of this world’ are gone we can then see more clearly… the love of God. A love that goes beyond emotional joy, tearful sadness, or a moment of depression. Fluffy religion is replaced by lasting trust, eternal hope, and a change of perspective… a changed heart.

God knows what you can stand. He comprehends the limits that you have, he placed them there. In love he sets in motion the winds that blow in your life, that strip away, that cleanse, and that strengthen your faith and trust in him.

Monday, October 01, 2007

God be praised!

Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped. And he said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.” Job 1:20-21

Why is it that Christian people think that they should always receive good and not trouble from God? In the scope of character building; is there a difference? Will we on own our own develop the character of Christ on our own or must we be nudged in that direction?

We like it when everything is going our way. We rejoice with joy and sing God’s praises for his great goodness. We feel, within ourselves, that we are justified, that we are glorifying God in our barns of plenty, our good health, our numerous friends and family members.

But, what happens when God withholds? What happens when the tables are turned and we find ourselves lacking, hurting, ill, and in need? Do we praise then? From our hearts is there an uplifting of glory and praise and majesty to God? Or, do we complain, become sour, and fret?

Also, do we place expectations on God? Do we expect that our righteousness will persuade God to bless us? If so, then is God really God or a god of our shaping? Someone whom we can control, we can predict, we can manage?

God is God even if we must suffer. Even if we are poor. Even if and when our health fails us. God is not restricted by our thoughts of him.
His character is not framed by what we think of him, for if so he would not be God Almighty. He would be a human idol.

God loves us because he chooses to. He blesses us with goodness, trials, hardships, and heartbreak because he chooses to. He knows us and he knows what is best for us. He is for us and not against us. He knows what we can take because he created each one of us individually. What happens to one may not happen to another, yet we all at some time will experience trouble.

In our time of trouble may our heart be like Job. May we recognize the awesome blessings we have by just knowing God, by faith understand that God is in complete control, and thereby place our trust fully in him. God be praised!