Monday, March 07, 2011

Fear the Lord

Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, That glory may dwell in our land. Psalm 85:9

The Lord is good. The Lord is good may we always say. From times of old we read that he cared for and protected those who called on His name while he destroyed those who turned to idols.

In all that our Lord does he is righteous and just. His judgments are fair and true for you, for me, and for generations past. For God to be God he reigns and ultimately He decides. Are we not merely instruments? Are we not the dust that He, through great love and mercy, breathed into and gave life?

Therefore our Lord is to be honored, respected, praised, gloried, and His name raised high. It is His goodness that leads us to repentance and his mercy that covers our sins.

Will glory dwell in our land? Ultimately, the answer belongs to the Lord. He decides. No manner of repentance, or good doing, or fasting, or long and empty prayers can change our nation's fate. For our fate is in God. He alone decides. He alone recalls all the iniquities of the past; all the idolatry, all the innocent blood shed, all the wrongs done against His people, Israel. For such, God is ever mindful.

Repentance is needed. National repentance is required yet the heart for this I've not heard of. Complacency is the order of our day. Apathy and self indulgence lives and breaths and directs our steps. No, we are not a righteous nation. Iniquity is found and no one hears the approaching firestorm. No tears of repentance are found only a numbness; a faint realization, and your children's heart who look and trust in you.

Father, may our hearts turn to help the orphans, the widows, and the needy in these days of trial. May we encourage one another through the goodness of your Word as we see your day coming. May you watch over and give care to all who call upon your Holy name!