Give us this day our daily bread
“Give us this day our daily bread” Matthew 6:11
God’s provided His bread… His Word, but we must receive it. The Words of life and strength will not magically be retained in our minds. There is some work we must do. Just as we sit at a table with an empty plate-the plate will stay empty unless we do something. We politely ask for this or that to be passed our way and the request is granted and we take a portion for ourselves. Not once have I been denied once I’ve asked… but still I must ask. I still must ask the Lord to, “give me this day the daily bread I need”.
Sometimes, it seems Christians see themselves as the Roman wealthy of old… they lay around on soft cushions with their mouths open awaiting someone to pluck and drop grapes into their mouths…
The God of the Bible declares, “Seek my face” (Psalm 27:8) and “seek his face continually” (Psalm 105:4) and “blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness” (Matthew 5:6). The Bible is filled with verses that spurs us to actively search the scriptures (Proverbs 25:2; John 5:39; 1 Peter 1:10) instead of passively existing.