1 John 1:1-4 In Christ's Word
"What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we
have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands,
concerning the Word of Life - and the life was manifested, and we have seen
and testify and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father
and was manifested to us - what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you
also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship
is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ. These things we write, so
that our joy may be made complete." (1 John 1:1-4)
It seems good and needful to write from the book of 1 John in these
devotional writings that follow. I say that as it is apparent that the "love of many" is growing cold since lawlessness has increased (Matthew 24:12) and I suppose will continue to do so.
It may come as a shock to some to learn that in the beginning, Jesus Christ was with the Father. There are numerous scriptures that prove this. Christ is seen from Genesis as Creator and through the Old Testament. The Old Testament testifies of Him and points to Him.
Indeed, the Bible centers itself on Christ and so must we. Unlike the Apostle John, the Apostle of love, we've not physically heard, seen with our eyes, or touched Jesus Christ. We hear, see, and touch through the faith He's given us and through the Word of Life this He's given.
When we move away from His Word, we move away from Christ. For how can we know Him, how can we learn to love others, except through His Word? If you don't know it already, let me remind you that His Word gives life-life to the 'new creation' within you. A creation or spiritual birth inside you that you received at receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In our daily lives we will either nourish our old carnal nature or the new one born within us. This is our choice and His task He's given us to pursue.
Personally, I'm sick of my old carnal nature as it only brings harm, shame,and coldness of heart. I sense, I feel, and I know that I must turn to the Word of Life with the highest priority or else exist in the shadows and darkness of a nominal and prodigal Christian. [Yes, it is true, I willingly reveal my inner life and thoughts, not to shame me, but to show you, your own heart. And I will do so, as He leads, as it seems the testimony of my heart helps others view and share their hearts to Christ and others.]
You and I dear brothers and sisters in Christ were not called to simply exist and do nothing until His return. We are called rather to demonstrate His life in us-we are called to overcome through Christ. That is,demonstrate the character and nature of Christ and not the fleshy nature of selishness and self centeredness.
It seems good and needful to write from the book of 1 John in these
devotional writings that follow. I say that as it is apparent that the "love of many" is growing cold since lawlessness has increased (Matthew 24:12) and I suppose will continue to do so.
It may come as a shock to some to learn that in the beginning, Jesus Christ was with the Father. There are numerous scriptures that prove this. Christ is seen from Genesis as Creator and through the Old Testament. The Old Testament testifies of Him and points to Him.
Indeed, the Bible centers itself on Christ and so must we. Unlike the Apostle John, the Apostle of love, we've not physically heard, seen with our eyes, or touched Jesus Christ. We hear, see, and touch through the faith He's given us and through the Word of Life this He's given.
When we move away from His Word, we move away from Christ. For how can we know Him, how can we learn to love others, except through His Word? If you don't know it already, let me remind you that His Word gives life-life to the 'new creation' within you. A creation or spiritual birth inside you that you received at receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In our daily lives we will either nourish our old carnal nature or the new one born within us. This is our choice and His task He's given us to pursue.
Personally, I'm sick of my old carnal nature as it only brings harm, shame,and coldness of heart. I sense, I feel, and I know that I must turn to the Word of Life with the highest priority or else exist in the shadows and darkness of a nominal and prodigal Christian. [Yes, it is true, I willingly reveal my inner life and thoughts, not to shame me, but to show you, your own heart. And I will do so, as He leads, as it seems the testimony of my heart helps others view and share their hearts to Christ and others.]
You and I dear brothers and sisters in Christ were not called to simply exist and do nothing until His return. We are called rather to demonstrate His life in us-we are called to overcome through Christ. That is,demonstrate the character and nature of Christ and not the fleshy nature of selishness and self centeredness.