Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Faith in Christ

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

God understands where you are today. He knows all about your life and your secrets. We tend to think that it is best to hide our faults because otherwise others will think less of us but God will not think less... he will know of your love more... when you obey… trust… and confess.

Confession is never pretty. It typically does not win any style points. Confession is only heard from the guilty and usually before a judge and judges usually condemn. Has Christ ever condemned you? No, our hearts may… but not our Heavenly Father!

For you and I there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus because we are confident in Christ's faithfulness to forgive all... our sins (Rom. 8:1). For all our sins Christ took to the cross and there nailed forever our guilt, our shame, and our unrighteousness. In Christ you are righteous for you stand by faith and faith in Christ is our salvation (1 John 5:4; 1 Peter 1:9).

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


We all tend to shy away from the subject of suffering, I know that I do. I mean who wants to talk about a subject that in itself is painful, for we’ve all suffered some form of pain at some time in our lives. Yet, it is in and through suffering that true belief of the Gospel is pronounced and demonstrated. For through suffering the Gospel is spread.

This was true with the Apostle Paul who’s mission in life was finely mixed with suffering (Acts 9:15-16). Paul gives an account of his sufferings in 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12. There were, in that day, false Apostles who condemned Paul for his suffering and saw it as a sign of weakness (2 Cor. 10-13). For these false Apostles considered signs, wonders, and miracles as the true test of Apostleship. Yet, all these were apart of Paul’s ministry (2 Cor. 12:12).

Even today in many churches signs, wonders, and miracles are sought for and looked towards as evidence of the anointing of God. Yet, true Christianity is rooted in suffering. All through Israel’s history prophets suffered, King David suffered much, and Jesus Christ suffered at the hands of those he loved.

I recall a time when I was in Korea and I had just found out that Tommy, my brother had passed away. At the same time I was dealing with an upcoming serious operation planned for my wife and simply walking was difficult as I a few months before I had foolishly blown out my right knee. There was days when I could not keep the tears from coming. I wanted solitude. I wanted time with my Heavenly Father. Not to ask him why but to mourn. I wanted time to simply cry and to be comforted by Christ. I wanted to hear him speak to my heart. It was at this time that a great many of my Christian friends deserted me. Their believe was that a Christian should always be happy, always joyful, always abounding in Christ. Their words but mainly their actions cut me to the heart. In this I mourned as well, in this I prayed fervently. Then one night a dear African-American brother embraced me and told me that he understood and that he cared. He did not care what others said or thought. His heart was knit with mine.

I can attest as so many before me that I learned, felt, and grew more in those days of suffering than I have ever… much more than when my days are calm. My faith grew in Christ for he comforted me and taught me his joy in the midst of trying pain.

Today or tomorrow dear friends suffering and pain will come into your lives. Suffering is not an evil… it is a gift from God! When it comes embrace it and through it you will embrace more of Jesus Christ in your heart and life.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Panting For God

As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God? Psalm 42:1-3

Each day the longing to know more of God, to live righteously before him, and ultimately to see Him grows with ever more intensity. Our hearts thirst for the knowledge of God but even much more. A relationship with God that wakes us up in the early morning hours; those times when we are broken before him; a mutual love and trust.

For so often we are in a time of decision. The world pulls at us. Our fallen nature tugs at us and we are tempted. On one hand we are disgusted with the continual decay seen in the world, yet we are also tempted with its glittering lights and delicate treats. These are the times and the days of decision.

For we cannot live for the temporary pleasures of this world and live for God. The gulf between the two is ever widening. The world is growing ever more ugly while the holiness of God is ever brighter, ever more beautiful.

The decision is an independent one, a heart decision. The questions arise… are we willing to suffer, to live as outcasts in a world that is growing in hatred for God and His people? Are we willing to suffer abuse because of the name of God?

Or do we desire something lesser…. Something more base, that appeals to the lusts of our flesh and mind?

May our hearts and mind ever turn to the love of God. May our hearts discern these trying times and find in them the gentle peace that comes before a gentle and loving maker.

‘Father, we live in evil days, help us, teach us to live in your ways.’