“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16
I love mercy, don’t you? I also like playing pool and I’m not too bad a player, sometimes. On some days I don’t play all that well. I forget the basics like form, tempo, and strategy. And so I miss shots that ‘typically’ I make. I fall behind in the game and before I know it, I’m pulling out the rack. As my friend John sometimes jokingly remarks when this occurs, “loser” as he plasters a finger-‘L’ to his forehead in my direction…
And yes, sometimes in the serious game of life I feel like a loser, ever felt that way? Just like the game of pool sometimes we shoot straight and true and sometimes we don’t. And sometimes, we miss the mark. When we miss the mark in life, the Bible calls this sin. Thankfully, because of the atonement through Jesus Christ we can start over, start new, and be given a new rack.
But, to receive we have to admit something, admit something painfully obvious… we have to admit that in this life that we are losers… that is, we are sinners and that in our own strength we miss the mark of what God intended for our lives in the first place. For some, all this may be new knowledge and you may first want to sit on the sidelines, again…, and watch… but consider how you’ve played the game of life so far… you’ve played alone, haven’t you?
Ever consider that maybe, just maybe you need a coach, a teacher, a friend who’s love abides deep within your heart and soul? His name is Jesus Christ. He’s not a religion, he’s the humble servant who died to take your sin away and rose again for you and for me so that we can truly live... live through him.
If you are a believer in Christ then you know what to do. His Spirit within you prompts you, guides you. We know when we’ve made a mess and so we humble ourselves and reach for the rack of mercy-we go to the throne and there find mercy and grace and full acceptance, because Christ cleansed forever our missed marks on the cross of Calvary.
So today, if you ‘scratch’, miss-cue, or if your opponent sin gets the better of you, accept the situation, acknowledge your faults, and reach for mercy, reach for Christ and find the grace you need to start your life, your day, or your moment by moment with a loving Savior, a new.