Monday, March 13, 2006

Thank you!

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful." Colossians 3:15

Have you ever wanted to encourage someone and you really did not know how to go about it? If you are like me there’s a whole world of words going on in my heart but they get all muddled and twisted somewhere between the brain and the tongue. Yet, there is something that we all can do and say that generally encourages anyone that we meet and that is telling them thanks.

Each day your ministers are going about doing what they do and most of the time no one tells them thank you. There are people who make things for us and who gladly give them away but do we stop and thank them? How about those wonderful people who pray, ever thought about telling them, thank you?

Telling someone ‘thank you’; especially if those two words come from the heart mean so much. They up-lift and encourage those who are laboring and working for good to continue on, to press on, for at times its not always easy… is it?

For this reason I want to stop and tell each of you thank you. Many of you send me little notes of e-mail that encourage these little devotionals or you ask how I’m doing, or that you’re praying… and I try to respond is like manner.

For giving ‘thank-yous’ really means – hey, I appreciate you, I’m thinking of you, and I’m praying for you! Thank you is not about self… it’s about giving… to benefit someone else!

Father, thank you for the opportunity you’ve afforded me to write these simple devotionals. Thank you for each person who reads them. I pray that with the reading that your Spirit will encourage their hearts and minds to live for you and that their hearts will always sing… thank you!


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