Perfect Peace
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength” Isa. 26:3-4
We live in a world that is hurting-a world where peace is a memory and where trust is a byword. The strong towers of finance, security, patriotism, and invincibility are splintered, broken, and some leaning towards ruin.
Money is scarce and ever-the-more is giving. Hearts are hardened, fear seems to laugh, and the oppressed widow and orphan suffer more—ever more. They are forgotten, placed out-of-sight, and relegated to the back pages of heart and thought—yet their Mighty God knows and cares for them so deeply and He will provide for their basic needs.
Peace and security are hard to find, if it can be found... and yet so many strive so to find it. Yet, how can peace be found in such an non-peaceful environment? Who can find a cool breeze and shade in the baking-burned sand of the desert? Who can find peace in the world that they live in?
Yet, peace is a moment away. Not the peace of this world but a hidden peace, a treasured peace found in the Word, Jesus Christ. The question is... are we sick enough, tired enough, stressed enough to try or rely on the peace that comes through God's Word?
If so, then turn to the Psalms and learn from one who was hated, one who's life was hunted, one who had the javelins of harsh words thrown, and the one who hungered and shivered in cold caves—the eventual King who found peace, wisdom, and contentment through the Bible—through the counsel of God.
You've tried to find peace in so many ways. Maybe you've tried to find it through work, through relationships, through drinking, or drugs, or sex, or sports, or entertainment, or by being alone. Yet, have you find peace in these?Give true peace a chance by trusting in God enough to open his letters and read them, think on them, and trust them. For in the wisdom of Christ you will find His peace, His comfort, and the strength to face the not so peaceful world that you live in.