Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Ten Lepers

“And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God” Luke 17:15

Of the ten lepers that Jesus healed only one turned around and gave God the glory. What happened to the other nine? Why did they not do the same? There is a natural ungratefulness that rests in the human heart.

There is a tendency to pray, receive, and then go on our way. God hears and answers but sometimes we go on our way. In our busyness we fail to stop, turn from the way we were going and give God the glory.

If we fail to glorify God then don’t we dismiss his goodness towards us? Yet, if we have a heart such as the one who turned around then do we truly give God the glory due his name. To me this shows two hearts. One thankful and nine who were not truly. Certainly, we could assume that any of the nine were thankful but they failed to show it, to demonstrate it. Demonstrating gratitude then reflects our hidden hearts…

When God from heaven hears our prayer and helps us out… what is our response? Are we aware? Is our heart broken enough, our situation bad enough, and our longing for help so that we are truly thankful when help arrives? Or do we take the goodness of God for granted? Do we dismiss a relationship with God by turning our back to him and walking away?

One leper responded with an acknowledgement of praise and glory to God. A response not kept to himself but spoken and declared to others around him his joy and his thankfulness.

‘Father, on so many occasions throughout the day you heal this leper, this sinner. You teach, guide, rebuke, and help me through common activities and through the rough patches. Lord, may I and our friends who read this ever have a heart to stop whatever we are doing or going and give you the glory and honor due your name. Not in secret but in words and actions that others can hear and know your might, your goodness, and your faithfulness. Then may you draw others hearts towards you so that they also may glorify your name.’

Thursday, October 23, 2008

'What a Friend We Have...'

Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble. Proverbs 17:17

One true test of friendship is when things are not going well. When stress, tiredness, and worry have taken their toll and you become irritable, cranky, and not much fun to be around. When that occurs look around you and your ‘real friends’ are there while your ‘other friends’ are back peddling double time.

Folks are fickle and those who ride the waves of life only see the surface. Their concern is only waterline deep. A true friend though will stay with you, talk with you, and just ‘hang’ with you when you are not at your best and when you are not giving gifts. A true friend will look you dead in the eye and tell you that your messing things up and that you need to ‘get your act together.’ A true friend will follow you through your fiery furnace and then lead you out; all the while suffering silently all to comfort you.

We are blessed today if we have but one true friend. And if not on this side of glories covering then we have a friend in Jesus. John 15:15 He is there through thick or thin, through good times and bad, through blessing and failure. And through heartache and shame.
Joseph Scrivan, the author of “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” knew this through heartache and disappointment:

‘Father, thank you for the gift of friendship. Help me to befriend the friendless, to remember those lonely, to encourage the fearful, and to take my prayers to the greatest Friend of all…’

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission

“Be strong and courageous, for you shall give this people possession of the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.” Joshua 1:6

One anecdote attributed to Rear Admiral Grace Hopper is “"It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission". This genius-lady helped create the COBOL computer language among so many, many things. She had a way of seeing a problem or a need and then applying herself to fixing it. Somehow she learned early on to not let the ‘what ifs’ in life get in the way.

Grace had it right. Get up in the morning, say a prayer, believe God, and then go for it. Attitudes will get in the way, people will say it just can’t be done, deadlines and paperwork will pile up… but those scribbling on your to-do list… may just get done when you press ahead anyway, when you do... what is really important…

When you have a Joshua-type attitude of, ‘pushing fear aside and seeing the awesome possibilities of the day before you’ then yea, you can get some good things done. And like I heard on Sunday… be a positive influence towards others… on the civilian side that is often called helping your neighbor… on the military side its called… being a leader.

So whether you are helping or leading… do so with courage, with commitment, and with passion… and then look in the rearview mirror and give a wave to… doubt and fear… but watch out… your heart and eyes may just fill with humility… as you witness… Christ working in you… through you… to help his kids out of another jam… and to look up… towards him.

‘Father, help me today, tomorrow, and in the days you give me to have courage. You know me, courage does not come easily… anxiety sure does! But help me find the courage to help those in need and to meet their need and not over do it or under do it but rather lead me to follow the servant example of Christ! Bless those who are suffering both in body and mind and may my heart continually remember… compassion.’

Monday, October 20, 2008

Play Second Fiddle

Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle. Romans 12:9-10
Caring more for others is uncommon in our day. As a civilian working for the military I see it everyday in dedicated men and women who serve.
Today I came across Senior Airmen and Colonels who were diligent in the tasks they were performing. At the same time I saw them take a moment to give an encouraging word or sign a card for a birthday or someone in need.
Each day these servants of our country teach me in word and deed how to ‘play second fiddle’ to my immediate needs and to focus on the mission… of today.
The needs of our day must be our focus… just last Friday I meet an 80 year-old in a waiting room who had a need. Ana needed encouragement and hope. Towards the end of our little discussion we both agreed that looking to the Lord is the best answer to the problems of our day, both hers and mine.
Events are made up of moments... may we consciously share loving-kindness towards others in our day… and in the moments of our day.
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.” Henry Drummond
‘Lord, help us in the moments of life to meet a need and to give of ourselves’

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our Hope in Christ

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
In the above scripture we have a great hope. A hope that many in our day scoff at. A hope that as we review prophecy we see in the headlines its fulfillment flashing by us just as signposts on a busy freeway. We simply cannot find the time to savor the moment.
In the midst of such hope is also great uncertainty, great fear, and despair. Our environment is changing, times are changing, and with it our earthly security. Yet, even now the joy of some outweighs the present distress.
Imagine for a moment those who live in great pain, day in and day out… those who are blind, those who cannot hear, and those who live with the same breath as we do and yet they do not have a full consciousness… these, ‘weak’… these ‘hopeless’, having once heard the above Good News passage, rest in it, hope in it…
Their hope is to open their eyes… and see Christ on the throne. Their hope is to hear the Lambs Song sung by overcomers… their hope is a sound mind, a repaired body, and a release from pain and torment of this world…
They have more hope than the average person because they look to the future. They have little hope in the present. For they recognize more than the typical Christian that this world does not satisfy. The recognize in their daily loss their great wealth in a pure hope and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Christ is their hope, the hope of our world.
These believe even when we may not, fully… these have faith to see that which is to come… and that which will be. Are they really ‘weak’… are they really ‘hopeless’ or maybe we are… for we allow the cares of this world to blind us. We walk where we shouldn’t and the filth of this world stains us, defiles us… and deafens us to the gentle guiding voice of the Holy Spirit… they have hope in God’s promises, they live their faith. If we do not, then who really is hopeless?

‘Father, thank you for your promises and thank you for the great hope that we all hope in.’

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Home's in... Heaven

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.”
2 Peter 3: 9-14 (KJV)
A few weeks ago I came across an old 1980 Alabama song titled, “My Home’s in Alabama.” Since then, getting the song out of my head been the problem… The song speaks of a rough life, of straying from one’s principles and of losing a part of himself to the cares of this world. He reminds himself though that his heart is in Alabama…
Today, many are having a rough time of it. The world around us is spinning faster and is seemingly sucking our lives down into the drain of despair. If we are not careful we can lose sight of where our true home is…
As a child of God our home’s in heaven. It is there we will ‘lay our head.’ It is there we will find peace… Right now we can enjoy a taste of home cooking by tasting heaven’s gift of God’s Word, “the Word of Life” (1 John 1:1).
So, if peace is your desire turn off the television, the radio, and the computer and tune in to God’s Word, the Bible. Put the ‘to-do’ list aside and feed your hungry soul with the peaceful-nourishing-heavenly-homegrown food from heaven.
There, in the midst of those pages Christ will whisper softly and peace will heal your day, calm your nerves, and feed your soul. The medicine of God’s Word will heal your hurting heart, rekindle your aching soul, and bring peace to your troubled mind.
“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you” (Isaiah 26:3)
‘Father, sometimes this journey is not all that good. For traveling through a strange land is dangerous, scary, and fatiguing. Sometimes, I just need a little rest beside your cool stream and for you to whisper encouragement to my heart. Lift my eyes from the dirt on my sandals to heaven and all the while change my heart to listen, to trust, and to obey what you Word whispers to my soul.’

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Praise, not of men but from God

“But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.” Romans 2:29
Over time I’ve found that this ‘cutting away’ of the heart becomes ever more difficult for me. Its not due to any lack of grace on Christ’s part. Its due to an ever hardness of the heart due to sin. “But exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” (Hebrews 3:13).

The outward manifestations of ‘missing the mark’ may not bubble to the surface but deep within lurks the abiding evil of sin… “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)

And so like many of you I open the scriptures to shine its spot light of truth on the hidden areas of the heart. It’s not always easy… usually it’s painful when you really see your heart in the light of God’s mirror… but such observances are so needful!

Such research goes unnoticed. It goes unpublished and certainly unpraised. No medals, awards, or certificates are given… for who honors the person who gazes at… weakness. At the ugly underbelly of fallen human character… a character that gets coated with makeup or decked in a fine suit…

No, the truth of what really is going on inside is truly a ‘scary picture’… a ‘horror show’ lite by the glimmer of deceit and disgust… and it is this acknowledgement that sets us right with God. For when our masks come off then do we truly see the brilliance of God’s holiness… our tremendous need for redemption… and to hear him whisper, “Enter into the joy of your Lord.” (Matthew 25:21)

"It is no great thing to be humble when you are brought low; but to be humble when you are praised is a great and rare attainment." Bernard of Clairvaux

‘Lord, thank you for the opportunity to recognize my fallen human nature and with it see a glimpse of your awesome glory and mercy!’

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance? Romans 2:4 (NAS)
From day one of this journey it was the goodness and kindness of Christ that drew my heart to him. It was not the threats of damnation, the religiousosity of others, or the promises of peace… promised in Christianity.
It was the unconditional love of a Savior who despite all that I was… all that I stood for… and all that I believed at the moment… loved me. I felt and I believed that I could come to him… just the way that I was and I knew that I would not be rejected.

Now, after three decades of his loving me I find a passionate desire to love others. Even if no mention of his name is spoken, even if the name of Jesus is not declared, and even if that person does not believe the way that I do. Is not kindness and mercy a trait of our Heavenly Father? Will not those traits, if found in us… declare his name?

"I shall pass through this world but once. Any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." Henry Drummond

‘Lord, it is your kindness and mercy that brings our hearts to you. Even more, it is your unconditional love that accepts us for who we are and what we are and where we’ve been and washes our past away with your gentle and eternal love. Our words are inadequate to describe you but the melting of our hearts, the molding of our character, and the kindness we show to others we pray Father, honor you’

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ducks & Time

Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind. Proverbs 21:5
I find it humorous at times to watch a little group of ducks waddle across the road while folks in cars and trucks patiently wait for them to pass. While there, rank, position, and schedules seem to diminish as the flop, flop of ducks feet beat to an agenda that is not hurried… not intimidated… only deliberate… I wondered… are the ducks grinning deep down in side? If I were a duck, this would be my parade and yes, I would take my own sweet time… grinning all the way… wouldn’t you?
Sometimes time gets away from us. It melts before our list like a warm marshmallow that hits a hungry mouth, in an instant, its gone! So is time. True, we all have the same amount but we don’t spend it all the same way. Some days I’m fairly wise with it and with others, not so much. So what is the solution?
It comes down to priorities and it comes down to choices. In an age when we are on the run sometimes we or I miss the highest priority… that is, slowing down enough to see that someone needs help, a hand, a word of encouragement, or a listening ear. People should always trump processes, and not the other way around.
In the “hurry and scurry” of getting things done I can, if I’m not careful, step on the very folks that I care about… so balance is needed… a disciplined-flexible-approach of serving the list and helping others, of seeing a need and meeting it but not over-doing-it… of meeting a deadline… and not becoming a perfectionist.
It’s a not-so-comfortable approach but God’s helping me and with his help I know that anything is possible… even the waiting… for ducks to pass by!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Be Thankful and Be a Blessing

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Philippians 4:11 (NIV)
There’s a lot to be thankful for. Everyday we wake up beside someone who loves us, cares for us, and who also… puts up with us.
We either are blessed to stay in a warm home or we go to a great job. In either circumstance we can be grateful for provision and purpose.
Each day we can look around us and either see folks that we like to be around or folks we want to avoid.
The difference is our attitude, yes our attitude! Its not circumstances or others that make us cranky… not really… for we can’t change others but we can work on changing ourselves.
We can change the way we look at things. We can change our outlook. Having a thankful heart is part of it, showing mercy is the other. Ever consider the circumstances of others… who knows the inner stirrings they are trying to deal with and yes sometimes they can be an irritation… aren’t we all at times?
What they need and us at times is understanding, a listening ear, and a caring heart. The question is… are we grown up enough to overlook and understand a fault in someone else? Who knows, God may have placed that specific person in your path because they need what you can provide… or maybe you are the one who needs some help?
When we look up and count our blessings we are content. Bitter situations seem to melt away when faced with a thankful heart… we cannot be angry and thankful at the same time. But when we work on our attitude and ask the Lord for help then we are blessed, our attitude is blessed, and we are a blessing to others as well.
"A state of mind that sees God in everything is evidence of growth in grace and a thankful heart." – Charles Finney
‘Jesus, you’ve surrounded me with folks who care greatly. Many are those who show me great grace and mercy. Help me, teach me to be thankful… to be content, for truly I am blessed. And in my counting my blessings may I show understanding, mercy, and your grace to others and through this attitude, bless the needs of others.’

Saturday, October 11, 2008

No thanks, I'll pass...

“Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” Philippians 4:6 (The Message)
Or, to put it in ‘NFL’ terms, when all else fails, get rid of the ball! Most of the time, ‘passing the ball of concern’ to Jesus is simply the best way.
Most of the time it’s not all that good when the quarterback (QB) holds on to the ball for way too long… usually he gets crunch between linemen, hated by his teammates, or told to warm the bench by a steamed coach… Its never good to hold on to a concern for way too long… its better to pass it along by praying and giving it to the Lord.
Try it and you will be surprised! Ugly linemen won’t crush you… some of the things that you are so worried about will find a way of working themselves out… your teammates will appreciate your cool head when others are flipping-out and coach will admire your character and place more trust in you… by humbling yourself… you are now set to lead.
All this because you prayed. All this because you recognized that you needed help and so you turned your heart to the Lord and simply asked, ‘Lord, can you help me with this’!?
‘Lord Jesus, I need your help every day. The ball of concern and worry that I’ve held on to is way too heavy. Will you help me? Will you take my life, my problems, and my worries and help me with them? I know that you’ve helped me in the past and I know that nothing is impossible with you. Lord, I put my trust in you and look to you for help. Thank you!’

Friday, October 10, 2008

I will never leave you nor forsake you

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5
I’m sure I made some angels snicker yesterday. Why?…, I went grocery shopping… by myself… for a list of items that I’m totally unfamiliar with…
Now I’ve gone shopping before… sometimes on my own… and sometimes with my wife… and when we go shopping I usually end up slipping away and find myself staring at the newest gadget, DVD movie, camping equipment, or hand-tool.
O, but not yesterday! My sweetheart had helped me with a list of stuff to purchase for a new dish I would cook for Friday’s men’s breakfast group. Yes, you figured it out… I’m no cook either!
So, I’m out there shopping totally out of my comfort zone. I’m looking and wondering and praying, totally uneasy because I’m doing something that I’ve not done before.
Sometimes, walking with God is like that. He sometimes leads us down pathways that we’ve never been. Why? Well, maybe he wants us to learn new things or meet new people… I’m not sure, but I know that wherever we go He will help us out and get us through.
O, yes, I got through the shopping-alone experience… I asked ladies their advice… and my cooking-dish… well, its all put together and I just pray its fit to eat for the good men I will serve in a few hours. My dear wife assures me that it is and so with some faith, some prayer, and through a small trial of anxiety… I, the ‘chef’ will give and serve… just doing that will hopefully, quiet my pesky angelic watchers, and if not… at least I added to the laughter and joy up in heaven!
‘Father, sometimes you guide us to new situations and new friends. During those times we may feel anxious or we may feel excited but regardless dear Lord we can have confidence in you that where you lead there you will guide and give others the heart, to help us out’

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Looking Up!

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Luke 21:25-26

There’s a lot of anxiety running crazy-loose in our day. Many establishments are failing, tottering, or being shaken. Its not by accident. There’s a plan and there’s a purpose. God is shaking some trees and reminding folks that He’s in control!

I wasn’t in control the other day… I was walking down the hall, past the Wing conference room, all the while with my head down. No, I wasn’t down or depressed, no, I was doing a bit of walking and thinking at the same Now, anyone that works with me knows that when Mike is deep in thought, well I become a little accident prone… I was walking and just before I walked into the wall, I looked up. Boy, I felt foolish and its usually when I feel that way that I learn some very valuable lessons, well this was one of them. I learned to look up.

Now, I know I was taught to look up and walk at the same time at the age of two… the busyness of my day almost helped me forget this simple instruction, so, its back to basics for me... I also learned that its not all about me or my taskings, its about looking up to see the needs of others.

All around us folks are walking with their heads down. Maybe not physically but inside they are hurting. Some of the establishments that they put their trust in, let them down. Some look around and feel helpless. Some wonder how they will pay their bills, meet their mortgage, or pay for their kids education.

In a day when so many heads are hanging low I need to look up and see what I can do to help. It may be an encouraging word, or a bit of listening, or a few dollars. All three are tools to help folks get along.

So I’m looking up and walking with Christ. Everyday I’m learning to ‘not lean on my own understanding but in all my ways acknowledge (pray) to Him’ (Proverb 3:6). By looking up to Him, I’m learning how to look up and walk towards those in need and sharing or giving and by looking up… I’m not missing a blessing but instead trying to be one… and I’m also avoiding banging my head into the wall… of anxiety!

Give it a chance… look up!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Manna Moments

Exodus 16:3 “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Look, I’m going to rain down food from heaven for you…”
“Some folks, when they give their testimony or they give praise to God its along the big Red Sea moments were God’s helped them in a crisis. They almost never testify to his daily blessings that he gives us. In this they fail to give God the credit or the glory.”
“How many Red Sea moments did the Israelites have? How many Red Sea moments have you had, not many. But you have 365 manna moments a year, 365! Think about it.”
I woke up this morning, did I give the Lord praise? I awoke beside a beautiful woman that I love and who love me and that the Lord gave me, did I thank the Lord?
I shaved and took a shower and got dressed, did I thank the Lord for these manna blessings? I opened the fridge and made breakfast, did I thank the Lord for His provision? I got into my car (the car the Lord provided) and drove to work safely, did I thank him for providing my way safely?
I went to work that provides for my family and protects them from destitution, did I realize and recognize this and give the Lord a praise? No, I took God for granted in all these manna moments.
God takes care of us 365 days a year, not once a year or twice a year or once in a blue moon when there’s a crisis. The Bible says to give Him the praise and the glory and we do in those Red Sea moments but we don’t in those manna moments. I think that 99% of the blessings that he showers upon us we don’t realize and we don’t recognize… and that’s wrong.
Not only are we doing God a disservice because, (as we’ve been lead to believe) “if you get a chance to talk to an unsaved person, give that person your testimony, tell them what God’s done for you.” People, I think, they sit there and they go “well, there was that one time when I was little that I almost got hit with a car when I was on my bike, I guess I could testify about that.” Just tell these spiritually starving and very hurting people how Jesus Christ takes care of you every day, every day, every day, every single day!
I think that is why a lot of people don’t speak up and testify more often. They simply don’t appreciate fully and realize how much God really does do for them, moment by moment, day after day, manna moment after moment. The focus, too often, is on the Red Sea moments only, leaving the manna moments unrecognized, unsung, and unpraised.
I’ve grown too comfortable with God. With my attitude I’ve diminished His glory in the sight of the unsaved and saved alike. Like a favorite pair of shoes that I’ve taken for granted because they are always there, and they always will be there. Unfortunately, my familiarity with God… eventually breeds contempt.
“It’s not the Red Sea moments that win people’s heart for Christ. It’s the manna moments. It’s not the, “he’ll keep me from the fire”… It’s the, “he’ll see you through the fire and he’ll be there today, tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day after that and he’s going to take care of those days for you, the good and the bad.”
‘Heavenly Father, I’ve not recognized the manna moments that you’ve lovingly provided day in and day out, without fail. I’m blind to the full spectrum of the momentary goodness, love, mercy, and manna moments you so faithfully provide. Lord, forgive my self centeredness, my self attention, and my every moment unawareness of… you. Change my heart, open my eyes, and remind my mind to praise you, thank you, and honor your glory daily, in the manna moments of life. Jesus, thank you for Belinda who illuminated this manna message that lightened my heart to recognize your great love, care, and attention you bless my life… all of our lives with every day, every moment.’

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Balance verses Haste

If God doesn't build the house, the builders only build shacks. If God doesn't guard the city, the night watchman might as well nap. It's useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don't you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves? Psalm 127:1-2 (Message)
What I'm reading and my heart is hearing is a dependency upon God is ever needed in my life. The stratching through another 'to-do' list, the rushing through another conversation, meeting, or event won't do, it's not enough, I need more... I need God.
What good is haste? Will long days and longer nights bring me joy, contentment, or peace? Are they not followed by another set of demands, schedules, and lists? Somewhere along the way I missed the signpost marked 'balance'. Have you?
Why is it that with all the 'time-saving' gadgets in our lives that we are restless, anxious, lonesome, and weary? Maybe an old fashioned approach is needed, an approach that renews our hearts and minds toward balance.
A balanced approach recognizes our need for wisdom. Wisdom is knowing what is right and then doing it. Ultimately, wisdom comes from God. So, why not start there? Start with God.
Starting with God means paying attention to Him. What does His Word say to your heart? What is his Spirit whispering to your soul? How often does he whisper, 'be still', 'be quiet', and 'rest in me'.
Find your rest in Christ and you will find balance in your life. Can He not help you with college, with work, with family, and with those out of balanced to-do lists? Is anything too hard for God?
Rest in Christ and follow his to-do list. Speak an encouraging word. Write an uplifting note. Give to others and receive from Him contentment. Learn contentment and learn when to say 'no'. Distinguish between the need and want, between excellence and perfectionism, and between relationships and neediness.
Our need is Christ and in him only will we find wisdom, contentment, peace, and the kind of relationship that fills our needs and makes our to-do lists manageable marked by balance and not by haste.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Mercy and one-of-those-days...

"This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:21
Ever have those moments when your irritable and your thoughts are nasty with a tinge of rage, frustration, and well... just plain angry? You feel as if nothing in your day has gone right. You feel out-of-sorts and not all that spiritual?
Well, if you are like me you have those days from time to time. If you are like me you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and your whole day feels out-of-kelter and well, just plain wrong.
Try this as I have. Stop whatever you are doing and find a quiet place. Maybe its at a desk. Maybe a little walk. Maybe its just a moment but stop and pray. Ask the Lord to forgive you. Yes, I'm saying take a big-person pill and then do the very opposite of what you feel... praise him.
Praise him for the great mercy he is showing you at that very moment. Praise him for the way things are, even when things are going really, really bad. Thank him for the grace to just pray... or thank him for this moment of 'time-out' that he's given you.
If you try that and do that from the heart and not just from your head you might just reset your attitude. And its probably your attitude as it often is mine that needs resetting.
"Father, sometimes I make a real mess of things with my poor attitude. I look around and I know that others see it or sense it but even more importantly, I know you see it and as my Father you can't be all that thrilled with my stinking-thinking. Help me and teach me to go to the corner and take a time-out and pray... I know that once there your mercy will renew my mind to do and act as you would have me"